Mark Reisch
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
2009 - Present
2012 - 2017
Students are in groups of two to four students animating a story based off a given theme. The contestants do not have any knowledge of the topic that will be given before hand. The students will have to create a story and animate to that theme within 24hrs. I have been able to raise money for food and prize donations for students.
2011 - 2017
I plan, organize, and host the annual Internship Spectacular. For this event I coordinate with the Career Planning Center and supervise eleven students to create a fun, educational, and informative evening. Students speak about their summer internship experiences at places like Gravity, The Third Floor, Cantina Creative, Chiodo Bros, Doodle Pictures Studios, Blizzard, Verve Talent and Literacy Agency.
2011 - 2018
I participate in RIT’s annual Imagine RIT. This daylong event showcases various projects, research, and tools that both students and professors are creating or using on campus. In past years I have given demonstrations of Pixologic’s ZBrush digital sculpting tool. But as my area of scholarship has changed over the year, this past Imagine RIT I gave demonstrations on how drawing in VR can be useful as well as give visitors the opportunity to try drawing in VR space as well. The demonstrations were very well attended.
2016 - 2017
This conference is an RIT wide demonstration of the various virtual reality projects and research being done here at RIT. I helped bring Wyatt Saverese from The Mill NYC to speak about the projects they have been working on in the areas of VR/AR/MR. In the Frameless committee, we discuss how Frameless Labs will conduct business and what areas of focus we will head in next.